Monthly Archives: July 2012

Seldovia Yoga Workshop

by Amy Gilson

UPDATE:  Aug. 3, 2012 – 8:32am 

We’ve run into a bit of a transportation situation and Margi won’t be able to get to town until 11:00 AM today.  The yoga workshop start time will be changing to 11:00 AM – hopefully this doesn’t make it unavailable for anyone.  I apologize for the short notice but we are all used to being flexible regarding transportation here in Seldovia.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks and Hope to See You!  Amy

I am excited to announce a 2.5 hour yoga workshop to happen at the Sea Otter Community Center here in town!  For the past several years Anchorage based LPC, RYT Margi Clifford has been offering a weekend yoga retreat at the Across the Bay Tent & Breakfast but this year she’s also agreed to hold a workshop for our community in town. Yay – Thanks Margi!
Seldovia Yoga Workshop
Margi Clifford – RYT, LPC
Friday, August 3
10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Sea Otter Community Center
(the building formerly known as – The Boys & Girls Club)
$20 per person
Please dress in loose, comfortable clothing and bring your own mat, blanket, blocks, strap if you have them.
To attend or if you have any questions,
please call Amy directly at 907.399.0377 / 234.0100
Margi is a wonderful teacher providing yoga classes and instruction accessible to all shapes, sizes, and abilities.  This workshop is designed to help us find our balance and stay grounded during our busy Alaskan summer.  Come join us for an active mindful practice with a bit of how yoga works in your body, topped of with a few relaxing restorative poses.

SOCC Board Meeting Next Tuesday

by Damara Burnett

Thoughts to Ponder… Are You Being Truly Present?

Author Unknown

There is an ancient teaching story about two Buddhist monks walking along a river in silence.  They have a vow of chastity –which includes many vows, but one of these vows of chastity requires that they never speak to or touch a woman.

As they walk up the river, they come upon a woman who is desperately trying to get across the river because her child is on the other side.  It is a fast-flowing river and she is frightened to cross the river by herself.  The senior monk  walks over to her and says, “May I help you?”  He picks her up and with the strength that he carries in his legs that walk mountains and valleys and streams as part of his work, he carries her across the river, sets her down, returns to join his fellow and they begin again to walk in silence.

About two hours later the junior monk says to the senior monk, “I can’t believe you carried that woman across the river.  I can’t believe you touched her.  I can’t believe that you broke your vows.”

The senior monk simply looks at his companion and says, “I put her down two hours ago. You are still carrying her.”

This  is such a wonderful story about us simply learning to put something to rest.

We must consider what we may still be carrying that really isn’t happening anymore.  What are we still hanging onto that isn’t in our present moment?

Let’s put it down…And when we put that down, we now have our hands, heart and mind available to treasure and enjoy what’s here, right now.

Here’s To Being Truly Present!

Summer VBS – Join Us!

by Pastor Jonathan Hoard

A Huge Thank You

by Damara Burnett

A huge thank you to Derek Reynolds and Catriona Lowe, Homer Cycling Club members, who traveled across Kachemak Bay last weekend to put on a free bike maintenance clinic at the Sea Otter Community Center!

Twenty Seldovians, from elementary-aged students to retirees, all showed up with their bikes to learn how to fine-tune and fix these human-powered machines. Reynolds, who owns the bike shop Cycle Logical, was impressed by the turn-out. We wanted to “spread some biking love,” Lowe stated in an email, and they definitely did that. It was great to see so many people convene at one spot with their bikes, and we appreciate all the time and effort it took for Reynolds and Lowe to put on the class for free.

Thank you also to the Seldovia Bay Ferry, Boardwalk Hotel, and Tidepool Café, for logistical help with accommodating these excellent bike teachers!

Kayak Days In Seldovia

by Laurel Hilts

The Seldovia Harbor, Slough and Lagoon have been filled with the bright beautiful colors of kayaks, and the sounds of splashes and laughter this week.  It’s an annual kayak safety class.  Alisha (Al) Sughroue is working her magic with Seldovia’s kids once again, sharing her love for the out-of-doors, while teaching important safety skills.  She’s brought along her friends Chunk, Brian and Ranger Joe to teach students of all ages.

The classes started Wednesday, with a perfect sunshiny day for the kayakers to enjoy.  They spent the afternoon heading out from Seldovia, practicing safe paddling skills, before landing on a beach for more training.  Then they headed up the Seldovia Slough toward the Lagoon to gain more experience.  Throughout the day, students also learned equipment care, preparation, paddling environment, safety and rescue.

The plan for Thursday is to continue the previous day’s lessons, add specific maneuvers, practice self-rescue, towing, and establish priorities in the water.  The group will paddle with the tide from the Lagoon down the Slough and around to Sandy Beach.

On Friday, the whole group will have an opportunity to tour Seldovia Bay, practicing all their newly-learned skills.  At the end of the training, participants will be able to get certification for Level 1 and Level 2 kayaking with the American Canoe Association.  “Ranger Joe” is actually Joe McCullough, who includes being an ACA Certified Instructor on his vast resume’.

The kayak classes are provided free-of-charge by the Seldovia Village Tribe Prevention Program, promoting healthy activities, education and cultural enrichment in an alcohol and drug-free setting.  Visit SVT Community Services on Facebook to see albums of the kayaking days, plus much more.  Thanks to the many folks who donated use of their kayaks, and for those who helped make this event possible.

Make Your Appointment – Health Checks for School!

by Ian McGaughey

Gym Opens in the Afternoon

by Debbie Hecks


What a Show!

by Rebecca Lambourn, photo by Darlene Crawford

What a show ! Seldovians were treated to an amazing performance and workshop by Muriel Anderson and Tierra Negra Friday night!

Their collaboration and New World Flamenco, music inspired by the gypsy traditional music of southern France entranced an audience that was unwilling to let the show end, calling for encores and then attending a potluck meet and greet for everyone after the show at the Spurklands’ home.

It was a privilege to get to know and make friends with these wonderful musicians who traveled a very long way (Tierra Negra from Dusseldorf, Germany) to share their love, joy, and talent with us.  Many thanks to the Seldovia Arts Council volunteers who help set up and take down stages, clean the school, provide food and lodging, and help spread the word.

The concert and workshop was made possible by grants from Westaf and Alaska council on the Arts.  Also a big thank you to KBBI public radio in Homer for a story on the musicians and their careers.  Muriel, Leo and Raughi, of course fell in love with Seldovia.

Paul Seaton to Visit Seldovia – August 6

Representative Paul Seaton will be in Seldovia on Monday, August 6th  to visit with the City and constituents.

11 am – Meet with the City Council in the multi-purpose room

12 noon – Senior meals Lunch at the multi-purpose room

12:45 pm – Public meet and greet and campaign event

Come hear the ‘real skinny’ behind the oil tax debate, how to lower disease rates in Alaska, and the future of economic development.
Please come by to meet and talk with your Representative!