Category Archives: Welcome

Starting something New!

Seldovia Sunset

The beauty of a Seldovia sunset

Hello to all my fellow Seldovians Past and Present…. and Future!

I am migrating from the standard website format for the Seldovia Gazette to this more modern/contemporary approach to the distribution of information via a blog!  I am hopeful that this will prove to be more informative for you and less time consuming for me, while keeping you updated in the most fluid manner of the happenings in our fair community!

Please check in often with, as it maintains all the information about the businesses and services, activities and many photos of our sea-side community.

Thank you for your continued support, readership and submitions, as this “paper” is a product of many individual’s efforts to create an interesting and outstanding community for all!

Seldovia Slough Homes on a November Day 2011

Seldovia Slough Homes on a November Day 2011

So please – subscribe to my “feed” here – so that new information can be sent automatically to you, and stop by often to get the “scoop” on Seldovia!

Thank you again for your readership – and here’s to December!  Christmas is on the way!
