Monthly Archives: March 2012

High School History Class Makes Final Plans for East Coast Trip

Dear Readers,

The high school American history class is taking a trip to Boston, New York, and Pennsylvania, to visit some of the historical places we have studied and learned about. On our trip we want to go to the Philadelphia Zoo, because that’s something that we in Seldovia don’t have. They have a variety of animals that aren’t even present in this state or country from the African lion to the sloth bear, okapi to the blue poison dart frog. It would be a fun and remembered experience to learn and view the animals located in the Philadelphia Zoo. We are hoping that you could sponsor us for our admission to the zoo.

As our high school history class we have had a few fundraisers over this past year, with things like the dinner, rummage sales, and bake sales, etc.  As a class we have made over $9,000 in the fundraisers alone already to pay for things like flights and hotels.  Now we just have to raise the money to do the things like the Zoo, so we are asking you for help. For each person it’s $18, and for our whole group of nine it’s $162. We are just asking for people to sponsor us either by one person or they whole group. We would appreciate it very much!

Written by Kaitlyn Hecks on behalf of the Susan B. English High School American history class. If you are interested in sponsoring us, please contact the school at 907-234-7616.

AMHS Comment Period Over…

by Jenny Chissus – thanks Darlene for the head’s up on this!

The comment period is over – but there is still time to voice your comments about the proposed schedule for the AMHS via teleconference.  As noted below, the teleconference will be on this upcoming Tuesday, March 27th, at 1:30pm for the southwest and southcentral runs.  As it is proposed, looks like Seldovia will be serviced only once a week from November through April.  Check out the proposed schedule here.

Rec Service Board Work Session in April

by Jere Murray

Thanks to the Gerry Willard Generation Plant!

by Joe Gallagher
There was a power outage in the Seldovia, Port Graham, and Nanwalek area at 11:57 PM Friday. The area is currently being provided power via the Gerry Willard Generation Plant in Seldovia which was put on line at 1:09 AM Saturday. HEA crews plan to inspect the main power line in the area Saturday morning and make necessary repairs.

Seldovia Recreational Service Board Meeting Coming up!

by Jan Wyland

Choose Respect!

by Alene Hidecker – Seldovia Village Tribe

Governor Parnell has declared the fourth Thursday of every March to be the day Alaskan communities talk about domestic violence and sexual assault issues in our communities.  Alaska has one of the highest reported incident rates in the nation.  The 2010 Alaskan Victimization Survey specific to Alaskan women are: 58% have experienced intimate partner violence or sexual violence and 37% have experienced sexual violence.  The Victims of Child Sexual Abuse Statistics were also shocking; with 29% of the victims in the Alaskan State Troopers reports being children between the years of 13-15 years old and 74% were less than 18 years of age.  A child was present in 43% of the assaults involving domestic violence and in addition, 26.4% of the eyewitnesses were under the age of 18.  The trauma can be life long if left untreated.            Seldovia is the 118th community in Alaska to participate this year.   His greatest hope is to get people talking about domestic violence and sexual abuse in order to eliminate the stigmas.  This will hopefully encourage people to seek the help they need in order to have healthy lives and families.

The Seldovia Village Tribe and South Peninsula Haven House are partnering to have an Open House at the Sea Otter Community Center.  There will be informational displays, pamphlets and advocates on hand to answer questions.   Everyone is invited!  This is a community event for all Seldovians.  So come by and pay us a visit and give us your input!

Planned Power Outage for Tuesday, March 27th

by Joe Gallagher

Ordinance Implementation date Extended to January 1, 2013!

by Dan Nelson – Kenai River Center

Editor’s Note:

This is good news for Seldovia!

To all property owners along the slough waterfront, and citizens who are concerned about the rights of land owners to develop and enjoy their property – keep watching!    So far, our hope is to be excluded from this ordinance as is Seward for a myriad of reasons – many listed in previous articles. Click here

There will be hearings, notices and talk about how to proceed regarding this new ordinance that directly affects our waterways.  Click on Kenai River Center in the “search” tab on the right to see other articles about this situation and stay informed.

This extension gives us time to let our Assemblymen know what we think of the ordinance and how it affects us.  As written above, keep a look out for the written notice to property owners directly affected by this new policy.


Jack Hopkins Memorial Scholarship Available to SBE Students

by Sandy Geagel

Susan B. English School
Jack Hopkins Memorial Scholarship


Qualifications: Eligible applicant must be enrolled:

  • Susan B. English High School Senior pursuing education @ Voc/Trade School
  • Susan B. English High School Graduate pursuing education @ Voc/Trade School

Scholarship Uses: Scholarship applies toward tuition, Voc/Trade School fees, books or campus related/approved room and board only. 

Scholarship Decisions: Award selections and amounts of scholarships are made by the Site Base Decision Making /Parent Advisory Committee. Applicants will be officially informed by SBDM/PAC of the selection results at graduation or mail for a post graduate.

Application Deadlines: All applications must be postmarked or received by the school office on or before the deadline for which the application is submitted in order to receive full consideration. Deadline:  April 13th – TUESDAY  

Criteria for Selection: The selection process includes previous work performance; education and community involvement; financial need; recommendations by teachers, employers and others who know of the applicants past experiences and potential to succeed in a chosen career, seriousness of purpose; practicality of education and professional goals and completeness of the application.

Disbursement of Funds:   A copy of your proof of acceptance letter from your Trade School must be submitted to Susan B. English School office.  Funds will be released upon first day of attendance.  Scholarship checks are disbursed by Susan B. English School directly to the scholarship recipient’s Voc/Trade School. The Voc/Trade School is requested to administer the funds on behalf of scholarship recipient. A copy of the disbursement letter, sent with the check to the Voc/Trade School will also be sent to the scholarship recipient. 

For information contact:
Susan B. English School
Jack Hopkins Memorial Scholarship
PO Box 171
Seldovia, Alaska 99663
(907) 234-7661

And Now We Have A Book Club!

by Savannah Lewis, Library Director

After I posted just the other day about the availability of interlibrary loans for book club quantities of a title, it turned out that there were enough Seldovians interested that yes, we’re actually going to be starting up a book club.

I am pleased to announce that the Seldovia Public Library and the Seldovia Village Tribe Prevention Program are jointly sponsoring a book club for adults. The first title planned is Charles Frazier’s Cold Mountain and initial plans are to meet on Thursdays at 7 pm in the library once books have been received.

Jenifer Dickson of SVT is the organizing contact for signups and more specific scheduling information: or 234-7898. Signups will be limited by the number of copies of the books available, so don’t wait too long if you’re interested.